Custom Promotional Really Big Whistle Wholesale
Really Big Whistle Size 5-1/2" x 15/16" x 1-1/2"
Imprint Area 3-1/2" x 7/8" 38176Whistle top in white only
Standard Additional Charges
Add $42.50(G) for each color/location. Add $0.16(G) for each plus $42.50(G) setup charge per imprint color/location.
Product Information
Black and white two38260one combinations are not available on most products due to discoloration.
Exception is the 1168 Compass38231histle.
All products except 1005,1061 and 8884 are shipped in assorted two38260one colors unless otherwise clearly specified on the order.
One color or specific two38260one combinations must be clearly specified on the order.
All solid color products on page 44 and 45 with a white imprint color must be polybagged.
Add $0.125(G) each.
All translucent colour
Please contact us for more details.