Custom Promotional School Kits - Extra Value Kit Wholesale
Prices include imprinting in one standard color on the pouch and on each item in school kit unless indicated otherwise in the description. All items are inserted into a vinyl zippered pouch. Pouches fit any standard two or three ring binder.
Pouch Trim Colors Available: Red, White, Dark Blue or Assorted. Shipped assorted unless otherwise specified on order. NO SET-UP CHARGES.
Packaging: All items inserted into zippered pouches, pouches packed bulk.
Pouch Size: 9 47398#8260;₄" x 6".
Pouch Imprint Area: 2 47398#8260;₄" x 4 45862#8260;₄".
EVK Extra Value Kit: 1 #EPC Pencil, 1 #ER-1 Eraser (w/o imprint), 1 #TS-1 Thrifty Sharpener (w/o imprint)
Please contact us for more details.